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Get Involved

​1.      African Liberation Day  May 2019 (link to a page -full write up on ALD and ALD flyers over the years)


An annual conference held on or around the 25th May to review the progress of the African Liberation struggle, provide a platform for progressive and revolutionary organisations from around the world and to gather together as organisations and families to reaffirm our commitment to continue the struggle for full independence


2.      Pan African Women’s day August 2019 (link to a page -full write up on PAWD and PAWD flyers over the years)


An annual gathering held on or around the 9th August, led by African women to celebrate the contributions of African women  to the African Liberation struggle and build strong bonds of sisterhood. It is important we tell our own story. African women have been written out of history and their contributions to our resistance struggle are not always acknowledged.  Pan African Women’s Day addresses the issues facing African women in the African Liberation struggle, educates sisters and brothers on the triple oppression of African women, provides  a platform for progressive  and revolutionary women’s organisations from around the world and celebrates our achievements


3.       African Youth Conference November 2019


How you can help?

We are looking for new organisers with the time and skills to help us with:

·         Organising events and follow-up

·         Designing publicity

·         Fundraising

·         Contacting Businesses for support

·         Contacting international speakers

·         Developing our African market

·         Co-ordinating volunteers

·         Delivering an African Childrens’ programme

·         Street stalls – holding weekly street stalls, talking to our people, giving out information  at key locations with

           a significant African population

·         Distributing flyers

·         Social media -Writing articles, blogs

·         Working with community youth groups


How volunteering will benefit you:

·         Increased confidence in your African identity

·         Work as part of small progressive African teams

·         Develop progressive relationships

·         Focus on problem solving

·         Learn new organising techniques

·         Better understand issues affecting Africa and her peoples


To volunteer please contact us



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  • Member of Work-Study Circle 

  • Allowed to Attend AAPRP Meetings Locally or Internationally

  • Have Specific Work and Financial Obligations to Maintain Membership


Two Men Shaking Hands
  • Can Assist AJAMU with Specified Work and Activities

  • All Financial and Work contributions are strictly voluntary

  • Can transition from Support to Membership by participation in the AAPRP Orientation Process




We appreciate that not everyone has the time to give active support. One way of showing your commitment is through a regular financial donation. We welcome  donations of any amount. Your contribution will help us deliver a year round programme of outreach activities.


Our Political Education Process: Work-Study Circles

This program of the AAPRP is open to any and all Africans interested in collective education about the African revolution and organizational training to prepare one to make their fullest contribution to the Pan-African Revolution. The only requirement to join or help setup a work-study circle is a sincere commitment to helping Africa and African people as well as a willingness to follow the guidelines of the work-study circle program. There are two aspects to this program: work and study.


The work-study circle process is designed to train and prepare serious, unselfish men and women who struggle for Africa and her people; develop a conscientious attitude towards revolutionary work; cultivate a strong sense of national pride in being African and a revolutionary commitment to actively support the just struggles of other oppressed and exploited peoples in the world. The AAPRP is confident that the most serious Africans that participate in the work-study process will want to commit their lives, talents and energies to the African Revolution and will become cadre of the AAPRP.

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